Friday 22 January 2010

Review: Beauty Story Sakura's Range Mask

Few weeks back, my skin condition was really terrible, horrible, vegetable !!! =( …. .

It look so dull, de-hydrated, lifeless and the worst part>>>> I have breakout!! I really have no idea what triggered it. I was so sad and had SUPER low self esteem. I kept thinking it must be that “age” thing going on, I must have entered the stage where dry skin, wrinkles and lifeless skin is starting a war! Argh! I really do not want to look “old”, seriously I am so down… who would want to?

This was then I bump into this wonderful face mask when I went shopping at Watson (a drug store) in The Curve. B was in town at that time, coming home to visit, I thought it would be great if we can do some fun things together. I remembered the first time I put a mask on his face, it was like >>Superb F.U.N!! Haha… It was his first time, and he felt silly and ticklish haha..both of us look like some walking mummies…haha he enjoyed the process very much, well who doesn’t love to be pampered anyway? So yeah, I decided to get a mask to pamper him and myself this time again! I do think sharing your hobbies and interest with you partner will certainly brings your ties and relationship closer.  Give it a try with you love ones too, certainly no harm yet a better looking skin!

Oh yeah, going back to the mask. I was attracted to this mask on shelve, written >> Sakura Hyaluronic Acid Mask. I never tried anything with Sakura extract before, I did heard however, it is famous in Taiwan and Japan in the beauty line. As for Hyluronic Acid? Wow.. Something which is famous among celebrities, where injection of Hyluronic Acid will help to enhance feature, and has hydrating effect.

There was a promotional going on for this mask, 6 packs for RM29.90 (usual price RM39.90) with 3 different types of mask function i.e. 1)Sakura Hyaluronic Acid Mask, 2) Sakura Whitening Essence Mask, 3)Sakura Pearl Powder Essence Mask I thought; superb inexpensive~let’s give this babe a try.

~Yes, The trio which comes in 2 each ^^
So sorry for the Blur~ness, I really need to get a camera soon~

Description (Brand – Beauty Story):
1)Sakura Hyaluronic Acid Mask- Intensive hydrating and Suppleness

2) Sakura Whitening Essence Mask- Whitening and radiant skin

3) Sakura Pearl Powder Essence Mask- Anti-Aging, improve skin clarity, softness and moisturize

When I got home, I was like so excited. I open the packaging, it doesn’t have much scent though fragrant is added in its ingredient, and the essence used is really thick and smooth, kind of sticky. I pull out the mask, wow real fancy, they have this plastic piece at one side of the mask to keep the folded mask from sticking together, I thought this is really thoughtful. To know whether a mask is up to standard, pull out the whole sheet of mask from its packaging, hold it above your palm and see whether the essence on it drips on your palm if it doesn’t means the mask sheet is of good quality where it can keep and hold on to the essences and the essences is thick and quality enough. With this factor, the quality essences of the mask will surely transfer onto you skin and works better.
~I only took a picture of my favorite haha...~

I pasted the Sakura Hyaluronic Acid Mask onto my skin, as instructed I apply it on for 20minutes. The remaining essences, wipe it around your neck area which is prone to lines and wrinkles. As for my B, I pasted on him Sakura Whitening Essence Mask because of his work in nature; he needs to be under direct sunlight, and his skin is really dark and dull, I thought to brighten his skin up a little.

After 20mins, I took off my mask, since the mask is still wets, I wipe it on the other part of my body. Then I went straight to the mirror. WOW!!! My face look so hydrated, supple and ALIVE!! It look so plump up and I can feel the tightening effect and the fine lines near my eyes is less visible..OMG so wonderful, I never thought such inexpensive mask and produce such wonders!!!

As for B? I tell you! I was shock, wow… his face look so brighten up instantly. His cheek areas look so plump up and radiant too. Is like his skin suddenly looks younger and AWAKEN!!! He looks into the mirror and was so surprise himself either.

Wow, this is definitely a great discovery…I definitely will stock up some of this. Out of the three, I still favour Sakura Hyaluronic Acid Mask most as I thought it works best for me. The least will be Sakura Pearl Powder Essence Mask, it somehow doesn’t gives me that “WOW” effect.

My advice? It is always good to own a good mask and mask once or twice a week to keep your skin up to its optimal condition. And if you are having an important date or occasion the next day? Mask the night before to keep skin hydrated and supple; this will enable your make up to stick on your skin better and result? Better looking make-up =)

Hope this review helps ^^. Till then XOXO~~!

P/s: This review is based on my own opinion and skin condition, result may vary, do not take my word as a guarantee, and always be cautions when trying out a new product. If you have sensitive skin, make it a habit to look into the ingredient of a product to check whether there are any ingredients that are not suitable/ trigger any allergic reaction.


~ShEriNe~ said...

Wow!!! really? hem... should get some and give it a try too!! Muaks!

JamZ-T said...

hehe its for real for me... really working... i was surprise too! :)