Thursday 10 September 2009

OH NO Chapped Lips!!!!

People who knew me might notice that I have chapped lip problem. It became serious about 5 years ago during my first year of university life, I have tried many solutions and alternatives to get rid of it, but the problem never go away.

 An example of Chapped, dried lip

In general “Chapped Lips” refers to dry, painful cracking lips not only on the lips but around the mouth area, and at times they might even split and bleeds!! Chapped lips are normally cause by dryness in cold dry weather either in the winter or an air-conditioned room.

I tried applying various types of lip balms, from the cheapest to the most expensive every single day without fail, but none of them helped. To be honest, I have very low self-esteem at one point when my lip looks like two dried sausages, no kidding!!

I was so upset; I went to consult a doctor, my chapped lips was so severe that he needs to give me “hydrocortisone ointment” + some kind of moisturizing emulsion. He told me that my chapped lip became so severe that it is now an allergy… imagines that!

In just a few days after applying the cream he gave me, my chapped lips begin to recover, it’s like a miracle!! I guess the “hydrocortisone ointment” did help, but don’t tried this on your own, as “hydrocortisone ointment” has poisonous substance and not to be eaten, so it is best if could consult a doctor before start applying one. Also, it contain "steroid" which is very bad for your kidney and health.

I started venturing into safer and yet inexpensive option on how to cure my chapped lips and maintain it’s moisture as I do not want to fall back into what I was previously. My journey with petroleum jelly begins! It is the most in-expensive way to cure your dry lips problem and road to getting soft moisturizes lips.

Example of Petroleum Jelly "Vaseline" available in all leading pharmacy

So what do you have to do with the petroleum jelly?

Before going to bed …

Step 1: Cleanse your lips

Cleanse your lips with warm tape water. Some may prefer to clean them using mild salt water, suit your preference and dab it dry with a soft towel. If the excessive dried skin falls of its ok, if they don’t, DO NOT peel them!

*** WARNING! If you have dry chappy lips, please do not use harsh soap or over scrubbed your lips. It will cause it to lose it moisture and you might even make it bleed and worsen the condition. Worst still you might be like me.. allergy!!

Step 2: Get your petroleum jelly

Apply inside the circled area only

Get your jar of petroleum jelly, and dig out a one full tea spoon of petroleum jelly, and apply it all over your lips and a small amount around your mouth area. Try not to spread too much of the petroleum jelly on to your face area as it is non-comedogenic, it will clog your pores!!

Step 3: Go to bed
Go to bed with the petroleum jelly on and do not lick your lips as you are not suppose to be feeding on them =P

The next day, go grab a mirror! You’ll see the difference!!

Additional tips that might help:-

1. Other than petroleum jelly, you might want to drink more water; it will help to nourish both your skins and lip, keeping them hydrated.

2. Chapped lips might also mean the lack of certain vitamins such as vitamins B and E so you might want to stock up on that =)

3. Also, pay attention to the ingredient in the lip balms, lipstick or any lips product you use and see whether is there any ingredients you are allergy at.. This is a crucial point!!

Pretty lips = Pretty smile = Fun time smooching!!!

Thanks for reading! XOXO


Anonymous said...

it's very helpful tips.. like it ;)

Anna Molly Act said...

Guess what! I use Vaseline too! :D

Not only on my lips, but sometimes I apply on my elbows too when they tend to be dry..

And yes, VERY VERY affordable! Why spend so much money on other expensive lipbalm / lipgloss??

*high 5

JamZ-T said...

*high 5* yeah it's so true Anna Molly, good stuff doesn't need to be costly :)